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Hygiene Promotion in Emergencies (HPiE)

Modalidad: Presencial

Idioma: Inglés

Fecha de Inicio: 7 al 12 de mayo del 2023.

Audiencia: Global

Fecha Limite para aplicar: 8 de Marzo 2022

Curso para Voluntarios, Colaboradores y Miembros en General del Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja y la Media Luna Roja

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Hygiene Promotion in Emergencies (HPiE)

We are very pleased to share the concept note and registration information for the Hygiene Promotion in Emergencies (HPiE) surge training, to be held from the 7th to 12th May in Madrid, Spain. This training is organised by the IFRC global WASH team and Spanish Red Cross.

Upon successful completion of the training, participants will be included in the IFRC Rapid Response personnel register for surge deployments.


Please find attached the concept note with further information on learning objectives, participant profile and training methodology.



The expected number of participants is between 25 and 30, with diverse backgrounds, roles and sectoral experiences – for example some participants with a public health, CEA or PGI background are expected to attend. Between 3 and 5 participants are tentatively expected from each region, to ensure a balanced geographical representation. Participants living with disabilities, those who identify across the gender spectrum and from marginalised groups are encouraged to apply.


Participant profile and selection criteria:

Because this is an advanced level training (Tier C), participants are expected to have previous knowledge and experience with hygiene promotion and in responding to emergencies.


Candidates for training are expected to have the following profile:

  • Participants should have a minimum of three (3) years' work experience within hygiene promotion, WASH, public health, or health communication.

  • Participants must have completed a Foundation level (or similar) Hygiene Promotion training, and be familiar with common WASH response modalities such as NDRT, RDRT, ERU etc.

  • Participants must have at least one previous experience in emergency response.

  • Participants should be fluent in both written and spoken English, and skills to present and convey information to others.

  • Participants should be willing and available to facilitate related response trainings, and participate in refresher courses and Technical Working Groups (TWGs).

  • Participants should be available for one emergency deployment in the 24 months following the training (line manager approval for attending the training and possibility to be deployed is required).


A limited budget is available to support travel costs of some National Society participants; for others, funding will be sought from partners or covered by national programme budgets.


To apply please complete the online form here:




The deadline for applications to be received by the Regional/Global Surge Team and organizing NS is March 8, 2023.



Once confirmed the candidates’ selection, we will require a written commitment from both the participants and their line manager to guarantee that the selected participant will be available for deployment within the next 24 months. This is required to ensure that we can continue to build an effective available roster and able to respond immediately to crisis and disasters. 




Please contact Alexandra Machado ( if you have any queries.

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